Same-sex marriage and LGBT rights an important factor in US campaign

For more than a decade the issue of same-sex marriage has been a very controversial point in American politics, creating different waves and movements regarding legislation, lawsuits and ballots to either legalized it or banned it.

The legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States has been a very important issue for the whole nation and it is not strange that it will play a very important role in this years presidential campaigns since it will influence and define votes for one side or another. In this 2012 election the positions of the Democratic and Republican candidates seemed to be more further a part than ever on this issue.

Where Obama and Romney stand

This year, the lately inclusion of marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples in the Democratic National Committees is a historic movement that continues to give the lead to the Democratic Party regarding civil rights issues. The Democratic candidate and current American President Barack Obama has also made public his complete support regarding gay marriage as a civil right and equality issue. On the other hand the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney not only completely opposes legal recognition of same-sex marriage but also has gone one step further by also rejecting civil unions that offer almost the same benefits of marriage.

The Opinion

Some people claim that President Obama announced his support for marriage equality to gain political votes. They backup their argument saying that he wants to distract the attention from the actual fact of high unemployment and economical crisis happening in this period. Others predict that Obama has awoken the sleeping giant, conservative voters, and they will punish him in the election. On the other hand, Romney’s position has also been criticized for being even farther to the right than George W. Bush on gay marriage. Many people also think that the candidate’s position has been used as a magnet to attract the religious voters that have been turning their backs on him because of his Mormon background.

The Advice

Voting for a presidential candidate based on a single, clear issue is not often the best option since Presidents have a big amount of powers and privileges. Voters should decide about where they stand evaluating the politician past actions and current values of the candidate. However the gay-marriage issue is a civil right issue, its different.
America is a democratic country where every individual has the right to decide who they want in office. This November, Americans have an incredible and powerful position to make about the values of their leader. They can choose a leader that believes that everyone in the nation should be treated equally or someone that wants to legislate discriminatory rules on an ancient issue.


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