Miss Usa 2014 Second Picks

We have seen all the ladies in their swimsuit, evening and close ups portraits as well as many pictures of their different activities. Some of them have caught the attention of the audience and the press while others have dissipated within the bunch.


This is my 2nd picks top 16 ....

Beautiful and confident Alabama (-) still holds the first place. Iowa (-) is consistently good and my raise to the top, Georgia (+1) has one of the most beautiful faces of the competition, Ohio (+2) did not disappoint me and is looking better and better everyday, finally Hawaii (-3) who is one of the big favorites closes my top 5 dropping 3 placements. 

Maryland (-1) still very strong comes in number 6th while Maine (-) retains her old placement. Minnesota (+1) is surprising us with her beautiful red hair while Oklahoma (+3) who had a great performance raises to the top 10, finally is the gorgeous Louisiana (+4) who rounds my top 10.

Utah (+2) has some rough competition but she might enter the top 10 very soon. Illinois (New) has what it takes to be the new Miss Usa and with a great attitude and a beautiful face she is welcome on my top. Texas (New) is another new acquisition that cannot be ignored, she is looking phenomenal. Montana (-4) drops a few places but still holds it together to stay in the top, Alaska (-4) although a beautiful girl also drops and finally Arkansas (New) enters for the first time my top 16 and I believe she has the potential to do better. Congrats to my beautiful top 16.

Bubbling up:  Arizona, Rhode Island, Nevada and Virginia.

Ok ! Now we are just waiting for the preliminary competition !!! Good Luck Ladies !


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