Miss USA 2015, Preliminary Competition

The Miss USA pageant is reaching to an end with a very controversial year for the organization and Mr. Donal Trump. However the beauty parade continues and this beautiful ladies should not pay for political issues. 


Here is my top 10 for this year Preliminary Swimwear and Evening Gown Competition. In alphabetical order they are...

Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia (Best in the Southeast), Hawaii (Best in the West),  

Illinois (Best in the Midwest), Maryland, Massachusetts,  Pennsylvania, 

 Rhode Island (Best in the Northeast) 


Completing the top 15: Colorado, South Carolina, Arizona (Best in the Southwest), Nevada

New York 


Florida (Best in the Southeast), Georgia, Nevada (Best in the West), New Jersey, New York, 

North Carolina, Pennsylvania (Best in the Northeast), Rhode Island, South Carolina, 

Wisconsin (Best in the Midwest)


Completing the top 15: Wyoming, Kentucky, Virginia, Ohio, Tennessee


*17th place: Texas (Best in the Southwest)  

My final top 15 will be revealed tomorrow ! Great Job Ladies



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