Miss Usa 2016 Preliminary Competition

We are very close before we know which lady will be crown Miss Usa 2016. I have to say that this year there is a lack of preparation and as previous years there are not many stunning girls. This year choosing the best of each category was very easy, here is the Top 10 in Swimsuit...

California - Colorado (Best in the West) - Hawaii - Idaho - Kentucky 

Michigan (Best in the Midwest) - Oklahoma (Best in the Southwest) - South Carolina - 
Virginia (Best in the Southeast) - USA 25

Completing the Top 15: Iowa - Alaska - District of Columbia - Wisconsin - South Dakota

Best in the Northeast: Rhode Island (19th)

And now the best in Evening Gown

Arizona (Best in the Southwest) - Colorado - Hawaii - Idaho  (Best in the West)  - Missouri 

Oklahoma - South Carolina - South Dakota (Best in the Midwest)  - 
Virginia (Best in the Southeast) - Wisconsin

Completing the Top 15: USA 52 - Nebraska - Ohio - New York (Best in the Northeast)  - 
New Jersey 

Tomorrow the final predictions will be revealed...


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