Miss Grand International 3rd Hot Picks

After the swimsuit parade here is our Top 20...

Top 5

All these ladies here are looking stunning in each of their presentations, there is nothing to say! Any of them could easily be crown the new Miss Grand International. Brazil, India, Philippines, Thailand and Venezuela are simply amazing !

Top 10

Colombia, JapanPoland and Russia are great contenders and their looks just keep improving. These beautiful ladies are now join by Mexico who has had an incredible week and it is getting closer and closer to the crown.

Top 20

Albania, Czech Rp, Dominican Rp, Paraguay, Sweden and Tatarstan remain part of our top 20 ! Peru has finally reach the top 20 with an amazing performance in Swimsuit, while Portugal has dropped from the top 10 semi finalists to been one of the Quarter Finalists. Puerto Rico appears once again in our list while beautiful Tanzania is the new addition in the top.

Bubbling up


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