Best in Swimsuit Portrait, Miss Universe 2014

The best bodies of this edition are up next...

After looking at all the girls bodies, I have to say that there are many great bodies and many disappointing ones. Again Europeans seem to be great stand outs among the rest.

The Top 3

1st Place: Lithuania
Just Wow, could this girl be more perfect? Her face is stunning, her skin look great and her bodies is to die for. Hands to this eastern European beauty, without a doubt the best in this segment.

2nd Place: Costa Rica
Karina has been a favourite since the beginning and her body in one of her strongest features. We love that toned abdominal area and lovely curves. What about that face and hair, just gorgeous.

3rd Place: Ukraine
Just perfection, Ukraine is ready to take the crown. She looks amazing on this pic and we are just loving everything about her.

Top 10

Argentina: What a beautiful girl, her stature and poise really help her amazing body to look even more strong. The hair is totally a miss but we can´t ignore one of the best bodies of the competition.

Colombia: Paulina has the typical Latina body, a very curvy figure along with wide hips and legs. I really like her body because she just looks incredible. Her abs are amazing and we always love a great natural butt.

 Russia: From Russia with love! OMG she is really here to win it. Just exquisite body and face, the  eyes are also of great expression. Very sexy.

Usa: Ok her we have the local girl Nia, as one of the biggest favourites she enters my top due due her great body and awesome presence. Her smile is also very contagious we just love her.

Australia: The Aussie ladies always make it in Swimsuit and she is not the exception. I think she looks very good in this picture, her hair looks great and I am loving that toned torso. She has a Pamela Anderson vibe.

Mexico: Josselyn is looking amazing here. Her poise and beautiful body really captivate us. She usually looks very calm but in this picture she looks so fierce, WE LOVE IT !

Jamaica: Representing the Caribbean this beach beauty is right on point. Her style along with her incredible figure is just dazzling. We cannot be more happy for Jamaica. 

Completing the Top 16: Serbia, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos, Ethiopia and Czech Rp.


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