It is just a matter of taste ! The Voice Top 8 Results

Taste, taste everything comes down to personal preferences. 


After America decision last night I am not really surprise with the elimination results. We are at a point in the competition where everyone is a good singer and the only thing that may get someone more votes than the others is perhaps the overall performance and personality. Lets start by talking about Sylvia.
There is no doubt that this girl delivered the other night. However she was cursed for been the first one to perform. With the same luck as Michaela, Yacoub deliver a good song and performance but since it wasn't that memorable she was probably forgotten by the same public that gave her so much support in the earlier rounds. The order of the performances definitely does matter in this kind of competition, specially if you are among the average ones. The good thing about this for team Xtina is that now all her fans will join Dez girls and gay voters and make sure that he is top 6 no matter what happens next.
Now Bryan !!! It really hurts to see him go since he has by far the best vocals with Trevin in the whole group. But lets be honest Bryan is not the typical artist that the American public and specially the people that watch this types of shows likes. He is not the cute pop guy that have a lot of mannerism and dances like Usher. The only reason that I can find regarding his elimination it is just the American taste. Bryan was by far the most solid contestant. However he failed to land in any stereotype that America will love. The weird thing about his elimination is that Melanie and Nicholas are still in the competition. I believe that if there was someone truly different and inspiring that had to be saved was Bryan ! but o well like I said it is just a matter of taste !! At this point Trevin biggest competition regarding vocal abilities is out ! So this gives him even a bigger advantage at this point.

Regarding the top 8, I am happy that Cassadde is going to stick around for at least one more round. Very excited also about America recognizing Cody's great personality and risks and I love that they gave Terry a second change. I still wonder what is Melanie doing there ? and Nicholas keeps passing with excellent grades which is kind of shocking ! but o well good luck top 8  :)


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