The Voice Top 8 Results, Bye Bye Charisma

After last night results I expect this show to be a little bit more boring since the two most breezy guys left the competition


 O right so this was it for Dez and Cody. Last noght bith said bye bye to the singing competition and there are good and bad things about this result. First lets talk about the good things. Well Dez and Cody were probably the weaker regarding voice skills. So yes, this means that America is voting literally for The Voice. The people with the most vocal talent are still in the competition. 

The bad thing about this elimination round is that Dez and Cody were the most attractive guys from the group and certainly the most charismatic ones. Even though they cant be compare with Trevin or Cassadee regarding vocals the were definitely good entertainers. Their exit will make the show more boring from my perspective.   

Finally, I have a question. What is that America sees in Melanie Martinez that I don't ? Seriously Cody and Dez are not THE VOICE but come on Melanie top 6 ??? she has to go, her time is up !
Terry should also push it a little bit more to stay in the competition and Amanda should be more consistent. Cassadee and Trevin are the top dogs while Nicholas David is the dark horse.


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