The Voice top 8 Perfomances

O right! I haven't had time between my last year of studies and all the freaking papers but here they are my reviews for the top 8 :)

Amanda Brown: I'm sorry Amanda. I didn't like her performance !! the beauty of Someone Like You is the purity and beautiful tones of the melody. For me she ruined the song !! Of course she has a great voice and I love her grasp. I'm sorry but sometimes you should not change certain songs, they are beautiful the way they are. I'm so disappointed !! I don't know if she is going to get many votes because is a popular song, hopefully not !! She is good but not consistently.  7.6/10

Cody Belew: Well lets say I enjoy him very much ! I love his high notes and i really like his personality. He very much like Mercury in a sense so it fit him well. He is not the best singer in the competition but he definitely have something that makes you interested.  8.1/10

 Terry Mcdermott: What is wrong with you Terry ? He was one of the best of the competition, now i don't really care what he does, It was just boring. I don't understand all the complements from the judges. I see no constructive criticism whatsoever. He started so good and now he is slowly going down :(.  7.3/10

Melanie Martinez: Well Melanie this week i wasn't so bored. She did improve a bit, I really like the song and the way she sing it. The stage was pretty cool ! That has been her best performance since she made the top 12. She is very popular too, there is a high change we will see her in the top 6.  7.7/10

Dez Duron: So much charisma Dez !! he is very sparkly I really like it. Maybe it wasn't his best perfomance but he did better than those who were before than him. I also enjoy when he goes effeminate, it is so much fun. Good job, he nailed the girls and every sexually confuse boy in America again.  8.2/10

Trevin Hunte: Always perfect there is not bad critics for Trevin this week, he is sooo good. There is no doubt that he is the biggest favorite to win the competition. After Bryan was kicked out last week, Trevin has become the ultimate favorite to win this thing. He is just great, hands down.  8.3/10

Nicholas David: Wow !!! is there was someone that truly shined last night was Nicholas! Great job! This was his best performance so far and i finally understand why America is been keeping him around. Completely loved it ! He know he is a soulful singer but this time he was in another level. Quality !! Quality !!  8.5/10

Cassadee Pope: Michelle Branch !! really ? this is already good, awesome taste !! :) It wasnt her best perfomance but she has a great stage presence and a beautiful face. I always enjoy Cassadee she is the strongest girl in the competition right now. I will love to see her in the top 6.  8.25/10

 Final Predictions:
  1. Nicholas David
  2. Trevin Hunte
  3. Cassadee Pope
  4. Dez Duron
  5. Cody Belew
  6. Melanie Martinez
  7. Amanda Brown
  8. Terry Mcdermontt
 My bottom 2 this week are Amanda and Terry but they are big favorites I don't know hopefully America will vote on current performances and not favoritism or past presentations.

My favorite 2 this week are Nicholas and Trevin, hand down to both of the I really wish them the best.


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