The Voice: The Live Shows part 1

My blog wouldn't be complete without  at least one post of my favorite singing T.V. competition The Voice :) !

Last night i watched the Live Show, I really enjoy most of the singers and obviously all the coaches are adorable ! :)

Here is my review for the first Live Show:

Joselyn Rivera:  What an amazing girl i love her PERIOD. Adam was very smart stealing her from Christina. Joselyn not only have the looks but she can also sing and very well <3 Hands down to her performance last night ! Although she is great to me i have been reading a lot of hate comments towards her i wonder why American public dislike her ? Anyways GO JOSELYN

Terry McDermott: Man !! Terry can definitely sing but that song is a classic. In general i did enjoy his performance but overall he is a bit boring to me ! I like him more when he is backstage that when he is actually performing ! Am i crazy ? I can tell that his singing is very natural and effortless.

Melanie Martinez: Perhaps the most unique character of this season. Melanie has a very distinctive voice that I really enjoy. Last night I didn't think it was her best performance. Like Christina said, it was kind of pitchy. In fact for me the song and her voice didn't quite match ! She has a lot of support from the public, so her odds of winning are still good.

Liz Davis: I like her ! I really do ! Her voice is great and she looked great too ! She is one of the dark horses of the competition. Good Job !

Cassadee Pope: LOVE HER ! She really did a wonderful job singing that Avril Lavigne song. Sometimes I kind of feel that she loses control and she cant hit some notes or lose breath. However she is a fan favorite and one of my personal favorites too ! Wish her the best !

Bryan Keith: What a tone, that grasp is incredible sexy ! his voice can really seduce you ! His voice is very solid and he is also a fan favorite. It wasn't his best performance but who cares he is great !

Michaela Paige: WOW what a surprise !! I like her but i didn't think she was going to deliver one of the best performances of the night perhaps the best ! I really felt in love with her last night and she looked awesome too.

Julio Cesar Castillo: First of all i have to say what was Blake talking about ? No one can understand a Spanish song ?? Maybe in other parts of the U.S. but come on this show is in L.A. hahahaha. Anyways i didn't understand why he choose that song, maybe he felt better singing in Spanish ? Again ! Probably everyone in the theater was Latino (L.A. ) that's why everyone was clapping so much ! He was ok. I am Latino this performance did not impress me ! Maybe it was different for the Americans ?

Loren Allred: I really love her ! Love her song choice, her voice range and the way she places all the notes its very jazzy, there is also some soul and blues there ! I just really enjoy her very much ! she looks very sexy too. However they didn't show enough of her in the previews episodes and I am afraid this performance wasn't enough to put her to the next round.

Amanda Brown: Powerful song , powerful singer ! Probably one of the best voices of tonight show. She really shined last night ! Amanda will go far in this competition !

No bad reviews for any of the contestants. In fact for me this two teams are the best this season. I think the next to teams will be more fun since we can have very bad performances ! :)




 Team Adam: America will choose: Amanda Brown and Melanie Martinez while Adam will be more likely to safe Bryan Keith ! A nice surprise will be Joselyn Rivera.

Team Blake: America will choose: Cassadee Pope and Terry McDermont while Blake will be more likely to save Michaela Paige. The Mexican kid Julio could have a shot too.


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